Psychoanalytic Theorizations of Racism and Their Limitations

Saturday, Nov 11, 2023 at 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

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Saturday, Nov 11, 2023 at 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST


Psychoanalytic Theorizations of Racism and Their Limitations  

Part of BGSP's Department of Continuing Education Events' Fall 2023 speaker series, Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Race, Racism and Culture
Series Coordinator: Allen Chukwuhdi


Saturday, November 11, 2023         1:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET


2 Continuing Ed units/clock hours are available for this event.

This is a virtual event and will be offered on Zoom. Links will be emailed to all registrants the day before the event. 

Presenter: Farhad Dalal, PhD 

Discussant:  Sadeq Rahimi, PhD 



This presentation critically collates psychoanalytic perspectives on racism, prejudice, and difference. It argues that these explanations do not convince because the mainstream psychoanalytic account of the human condition is not only asocial, but also internalist and individualistic. Topic incorporates the ideas of the psychoanalyst and group analyst S.H. Foulkes and those of the sociologist Norbert Elias, to flesh out a psycho-social explanatory system, which places power-relations at its center.  
Farhad Dalal Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and Group Analyst in private practice in Devon, England. He is a Training Group Analyst and supervisor for the Institute of Group Analysis, London. He also works with many organizations. With colleagues, he has recently started delivering a group psychotherapy training in India (which is supported by donations) He has been studying and writing on the themes of psychotherapy, discrimination, ethics, equality, and diversity for over twenty-five years. He has published many papers and four books to date: Taking the Group Seriously, Race, Colour and the Processes of Racialization, Thought Paralysis: The Virtues of Discrimination, and CBT – The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami: Managerialism, Politics, and the Corruptions of Science.

Sadeq Rahimi, MSc, PhD, is a professor, researcher, and clinician. He is a faculty member in the Culture and Psychoanalysis Program at BGSP, lecturer and research associate in Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a psychotherapist in private practice. He received his PhD in Transcultural Psychiatry at McGill University, followed by postdoctoral fellowships in Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School and in Middle Eastern Studies at the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Dr. Rahimi’s research and publications have focused on culture and subjectivity, including schizophrenia and culture, political subjectivity, radicalization, and virtual subjectivity.  Two books are:  Meaning, Madness and Political Subjectivity, (2015) and The Hauntology of Everyday Life, (2021). 




Participants will be able to:

  1.  Critically review mainstream psychoanalytic explanations of racism. 
  2.  Detail the limitations of mainstream psychoanalytic explanations and discuss why they prove inadequate.
  3.  Suggest alternatives approaches to this dilemma. 

General admission: $40

Students: free

Questions? email or call (617) 277 - 3915

BGSP is authorized to provide CEs for:  Psychologists (all levels), Social Workers, Counselors 



Full refund available if you cancel one week prior to the event. If you have any questions, email

Offering CEs for:  Psychologists (all levels), Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors

Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. BGSP maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5676. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Application for social work continuing education credits is being submitted. Please contact us at for the status of social work CE accreditation.

For information on continuing education credits for nurses, social workers, or marriage and family counseling, call 617-277-3915.

Direct inquiries may be made regarding the accreditation status by NECHE to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514, 781-425-7785 or email:


The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis is accredited by the New England Commission on Higher Education. 

Direct inquiries may be made regarding the accreditation status by NECHE to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission on Higher Education, 3 Burlington Woods Drive, Ste 100, Burlington, MA 01803-4514, 781-425-7785 or email:


Cancellation policy

*Full refund available if you cancel one week prior to the event. If you have any questions, email 

The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis

The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Department of Continuing Education presents: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Race, Racism and Culture Series Coordinator: Allen Chukwuhdi

Contact the Organizer